WILVOS do get some interesting phone calls. Someone phoned on the 5441 6200 Hotline worried about how lawn grub poisoning would affect the native wildlife.
Poisons of any type are devastating for our wildlife. Of course, as with rat baits, the manufacturers say plant poisons are safe, but I don’t see them eating or drinking the products.
The Sunshine Coast has had a huge influx of lawn grubs this year. So far they haven’t visited me, but in the last few days I have had a number of magpies and peewees in the backyard. I will leave the hard work to the birds, bandicoots and echidnas.
To check what type of grubs you have, it is interesting to lay a hessian bag or some old carpet on the grass at night. Wet it well and see what is there in the morning. Whisk it off and the birds should come in for a feed. Don’t do this if the grass has been poisoned for grubs. We don’t want a major wildlife massacre as the birds eat scores of poisoned grubs!
Of major concern to our wildlife is the sudden emptying of animal refuges. Suddenly people want a cat or dog to help them through isolation. So what happens when life returns to ‘normal’ and everyone is back to work. Dogs will be very sad, home alone after having people around all day. The complaints about barking dogs will increase a hundred fold! Cats won’t be contained. They will be left out to roam the neighbourhood killing wildlife.
A resident in my street was most upset at seeing both resident willy wagtails in her yard killed by a cat. Council has cat traps for loan, and owners of trapped cats should be instantly fined. It happens with dogs. If you have a very old, almost blind, dog with dementia wandering down the street the owner will be fined. The law should be exactly the same for cats and dogs.
On a brighter note, many dogs and cats will find wonderful new homes where they are treated with the love and respect they deserve. Prepare them now for an empty household. Research ways to help them through their separation anxiety.
Donna Brennan Wildlife Volunteers Assoc Inc (WILVOS) PO Box 4805 Sunshine Coast Mail Centre Q 4560 PH 5441 6200 www.wilvos.org.au